Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Monday, 18 February 2013

Warm up drawings/ sketches.

Here's a selection of my 'warm up' drawings and sketches. All are drawn on A5 pieces of paper with a variety of pens. If you would like me to draw one for you (I take requests) please feel free to contact me here for information. Thank you.

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Flesh Future Shock Detail.

Here's a panel I drew for a story called Flesh: Future Shock (Written by Andrew Cheverton).
This particular story featured in the 2000AD comics anthology fanzine, Zarjaz (Issue 16).
To read about the 'making of' Flesh: Future Shock, head over to my other 'wordy' blog...
To buy a copy of Zarjaz#16, rush on over to the Futurequake Press Shop.