Sunday 29 November 2015

The Psychedelic Journal of Time Travel: Money Never Weeps.

Here's the opening page of a comic strip I recently drew for a 
fantastic comic book called The Psychedelic Journal of Time Travel
Money never weeps (written by Derek Hamill) is my first comic
strip in over two years and I enjoyed every second of drawing it.
I highly recommend the latest issue (#6) of The Psychedelic Journal as 
it's packed with collection of incredibly talented writers and artists, 
whom I'm very proud to be rubbing shoulders with. There isn't a dull 
story to be found within this highly entertaining publication.
To find out what happens next in the story, treat yourself and
purchase a copy of The Psychedelic Journal of Time Travel #6,
which can be obtained at the Comicsy  website, here.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Countdown to Halloween Post-It Doodles.

During the build up to this year's Halloween, I quickly doodled 
a Halloween themed drawing onto a Post-it note and posted them on 
my twitter and instagram account on a daily basis. Great fun!
Here they are all collected together.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Friday 1 May 2015

Daredevil Logo Redesign.

I fun redesigning Daredevil's costume logo into Braille.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Poetry Illustration: Daydream in the scanner.

Daydream in the scanner by Stephanie Stanton.

He was enchanted
with the perfect alignment
of edges; the firm pressure
of a thumbnail scraping
a crease of sharp permanence

Then she continued;
'Be generous with your colours
Be wild,unrestrained
in your selection. These are to be wings
of randomness and chance'

He is intimidated
by the necessity for strict alignment
The head restraint's pressure
forcing him to be perfectly still.
The muffled tapping making his memory flutter...

'Oh look, I see a face
Not a butterfly, a face
I believe it is a man's face;
wide and strong, poking out a forked tongue'
He recalls their shared laughter

Then they continue
making picture after picture
revealing colourful hemispheres
with each pressing
butterfly after butterfly.

One is pinned
measured and marked
There are but hushed mutterings
A damage - fragile wing dust
A sullied half

© Stephanie Stanton.

Sunday 25 January 2015

Childhood Heroes: Evel Knievel.

When I was a child, back in the 1970's, I was in awe of Evel Knievel.
He was an amazing risk taker, courageous and completely bonkers.
Evel was an absolute thrill to watch.
I actually beat his record of jumping 13 London buses...
on my Raleigh Chopper bike.
Okay, they were toy buses but, for a minute,
I WAS my childhood hero.
Rest In Pieces, Evel.

Friday 9 January 2015

Poetry Illustration: Overcast.

Overcast by Stephanie Stanton.

Her perfectly manicured fingers stretch
and fondle his surface in search of an edge 
Her smouldering eyes hold the nation's stare
as she lifts him up with a flick of her hair 
She glances an instant, scanning the map
then puts him in place; gives his surface a tap
He loves her, the cloud, and wishes to be 
more than her prop, to be used in 2D
But alas there is nothing that can be done 
for this cloud, manufactured in 71
'The South will remain fairly cloudy but dry'
(He can't let her down, does his best not to cry)
'In the North expect rain but this later should clear'
(When the camera is turned, out trickles a tear)

Poem by Stephanie Stanton 2015 ©